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COVID-19 GPS/IMU Alternative

As concluded in the vehicle estimation article, the Piksi Multi Receiver Kit was our most favourable solution to the problem of Vehicle State Estimation (VSE) and the gathering of position, heading, and velocity data.

However, due to the effects of the Australian lockdown, there has been a degree of flexibility required with our plans. In terms of this subsystem, acquisition of the Piksi Multi has been put on hold indefinitely until the university reopens, as has the purchasing of any other devices that are not currently in our possession.

Due to this, we have been exploring the avenue of using what we have available in terms of a GPS/IMU module for my initial programming of the data processing and testing required. When the Arduino and GPS module mentioned in the last post failed us, we looked to one of the most common computer devices in the world: the smartphone.

Check out the full article below!


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